Types Of StylISH MEN
If you are outgoing and trendy but are dressing conservatively, then you can feel stuffy and hidden. If you are conservative and classic but are wearing flashy clothing, then you can feel garish and unprofessional.
In this article, I lay out the 5 different types of stylish men
Each of these types of stylish men has a different relationship with style; which one are you?
Stylish Man Look #1 The Jet-Setter
This guy wants function, fashion, and comfort in one package. So the jet-setter is willing to pay quite a bit more for his clothing. He wants clothing that’s going to perform.
For example, when he buys a jacket, he’ll go with 100% wool. He wants the insulating properties and the durability of wool, and he wants something that’ll look great and have an excellent drape when he gets off that airplane because he’s a frequent flyer.
Because he travels to a lot of different places and meets many new people, he knows people are going to make a snap judgment, so he dresses sharp. He realizes that clothing sends a message.
He’s willing to pay a premium to get fashion + function + comfort.
Stylish Man Look #2 The Dandy
The Dandy is a man who dares to dress for himself. This stylish man does care about the clothing. He cares about all the craftsmanship that goes into it – he wants to know which artisan made his shoes or his boutonniere, and he’s willing to pay a premium for that attention to detail.
Out of all types of stylish men, this is the man that will be able to answer questions about different garments or trends.
Stylish Man Look #3 The Rugged Man
A rugged man’s clothing is practical, hardwearing, and masculine. It’s functional – to stand up to manual labor. This is the blue-collar worker, the soldier, the cop, and the fireman. They fix your car, save lives, and protect your city. Their clothes need to stand up to all of that.
For example, if you look at a pair of work boots, you’ll see they have a rubber sole. Why? Because if you’re out there working on cars and the oil gets spilled, you don’t want to slip; you want something that’ll give you traction.
Stylish Man Look #4 The Classic Style Guy
The clothing in this man’s wardrobe is all about being timeless. It’s about quality. It’s about proven pieces that are not going to go out of style.
When a man wears classic clothes, he knows he’ll be able to look at a picture of himself ten years from now, and it’ll still look great.
Because of this, he knows he can invest in quality pieces. He’s willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes, thousands on a suit because he’s going to get a lot of wear out of it.
This stylish man is not a retro dresser who wears vintage styles from, say, the 1950s. That’s very different. I have NOTHING against vintage guys – but the classic dresser wants to wear clothing that will never go out of style.
Stylish Man Look #5 The Fashionisto
This guy is all about adopting trends and going with the right brand at the right time. He’s going into all the fashion magazines; he’s following the runways; he knows what will be hot this season. And he knows that he’s taking a risk.
The clothes a fashionista buys could be out of style in a year.
But he’s willing to risk that to be the first one to stand out wearing it. He wants to be on the bleeding edge of fashion.